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A target is the specific type of output you want to produce using your source files and project settings. Targets are based the output formats you specify for your project, and include all of the project settings you specify for each output format included in your project when you configure your project.
For example, assume that you are a writer working at CompanyA, and you have the requirement to create a web-based help system using your source documents. In this scenario, you create a project using stationery that supports WebWorks Help output and then create a target called CompanyA WebWorks Help.
Next, assume that your documentation requirements change, and in addition to creating WebWorks Help for CompanyA, you must now also produce Microsoft HTML Help and PDF files for CompanyA using your same source documents. In this scenario, you update your project to now include the following targets:
*CompanyA WebWorks Help
*CompanyA Microsoft HTML Help
*CompanyA PDF Files
Finally, assume your documentation requirements change again, and now, based on an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) agreement your company signed, in addition to creating WebWorks Help, Microsoft HTML Help, and PDF files for CompanyA, you must use your same set of source documents to create WebWorks Help, Microsoft HTML Help, and PDF files for CompanyB, using company information and variables and conditions specific to CompanyB. In this scenario, you update your project to now include the following targets:
*CompanyA WebWorks Help
*CompanyA Microsoft HTML Help
*CompanyA PDF Files
*CompanyB WebWorks Help
*CompanyB Microsoft HTML Help
*CompanyB PDF Files
When you have multiple targets included in a project, you choose an active target and then specify project settings for the active target. The active target is the target currently selected in your project. When you want to modify project settings for an target, if you have multiple targets included in your project, ensure you have the correct target selected in the project when you modify project settings. For more information about specifying an active target, see Specifying Active Targets.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022