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Index external links
If you have this setting Enabled in your Target Settings, Reverb will index all the external links you have in your source documents and in your Baggage files info list. That means you’ll have in your Search Results links to your external URLs if they match with the searched phrase.
The Reverb format downloads the file to the Data directory and then uses Tidy (tool for cleaning up HTML files) for creating an XHTML copy of the files, which are valid XML files that ePublisher can read.
Note: If your URL needs to execute some JavaScript code to get the content of the page, Reverb won’t be able to index the dynamic content of the page. To simulate the actual content that Reverb will index at a particular URL, temporarily disable JavaScript in your browser and visit that link.
To specify baggage files settings for a target (only for Reverb targets):
1. On the Project menu, select the target next to Active Target for which you want to specify settings.
2. On the Target menu, click Target Settings. You must have target modification permissions to modify target settings. For more information, see Working with Target Settings.
3. Under Baggage Files, specify the appropriate values for the Baggage Files settings. For more information about Accessibility settings and values, click Help.
4. Click OK.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022