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Output Formats » WebWorks Reverb 2.0 » Analytics Event Tracking in Reverb 2.0
Analytics Event Tracking in Reverb 2.0
In WebWorks Reverb 2.0, analytics has been expanded to anonymously track several types of events that better allow you to understand the performance of your content with your end-users. The updated analytics features include:
*All page views are tracked with easy to read page names.
*New categories and labels have been introduced to highlight high performing and low performing pages in your reports. For more information, see ‘Was This Helpful?’ Buttons.
*All Reverb interface components, such as toolbar buttons and menu items have their interactions tracked as events.
*All search queries, inputs, cancellations, and search result views are tracked and recorded.
*Search page results including the Was This Helpful? buttons are tracked for easy reporting. For more information, see ‘Was This Search Helpful?’ Buttons.
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Last modified date: 01/19/2022