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Output Formats » HTML Help » HTML Help Viewer » Toolbar Pane in HTML Help
Toolbar Pane in HTML Help
The toolbar pane provides several buttons that provide additional functions, such as returning to the previously viewed topic, showing and hiding the navigation pane, and printing a help topic. The writer can customize which buttons are included in the toolbar pane through HTML Help Workshop. The following table lists the supported buttons.
Opens or closes the Navigation pane.
Displays the previously viewed topic like the Back button in a browser.
Displays the previously viewed topic if the user clicked the Back button. This button functions like the Forward button in a browser.
Stops retrieving the file information and contents.
Updates the topic that is currently displayed in the topic pane.
Displays the default topic you defined for the help file.
Opens a menu that provides many commands, such as Home, Show, Back, Stop, Refresh, Print, Search Highlight On/Off, and Internet Options. This menu also includes commands for all the buttons included on help windows.
From the Contents tab, this button allows the user to print the selected topic, and optionally all subtopics. From the Index or Search tab, opens the Print dialog box to print the current topic.
Displays in the table of contents the location of the current topic is not listed in the table of contents, this command will not work.
Jump 1
Jumps to an author-designated Web page or help topic.
Jump 2
Jumps to an author-designated Web page or help topic.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021