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Output Formats » HTML Help » HTML Help Viewer
HTML Help Viewer
When you open a Microsoft HTML Help .chm file, Windows displays the content in the Help Viewer window. Microsoft HTML Help Workshop allows the writer to compile and customize the .chm file. ePublisher uses your source documents to generate all the files needed to compile the .chm file.
By default, the tripane HTML Help Viewer includes a table of contents, index, full-text search, and favorites in one, integrated viewer window. You can customize this viewer window. The user also has options to show or hide the navigation pane, based on the options you defined.
The default tripane view includes the following panes:
*The toolbar pane displays buttons that provide additional functions and navigation options to the user. HTML Help Workshop allows you to select which buttons to include in your help file.
*The navigation pane displays tabs to access the table of contents, index, full-text search, and favorite topics. HTML Help Workshop allows you to select which tabs to include in your help file.
*The topic pane displays the information contained in the source documents.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021