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Output Formats » HTML Help » Delivering HTML Help
Delivering HTML Help
When you generate output for your project, ePublisher creates the Output folder in your project folder, and then creates a folder in the Output folder for each generated target. Then, ePublisher creates a folder named for the project itself in the target folder. For example, when you generate output, ePublisher creates the following folder structure:
<Project Area>\<Project Name>\Output\<Target Name>\<Project Name>
In this folder structure, <Project Area> is the name of the ePublisher component you are using, such as ePublisher Express, <Project Name> is the name of your ePublisher project, and <Target Name> is the name of your ePublisher target, such as Microsoft HTML Help 1.x.
By default, ePublisher compiles the .chm and stores it in the <Target Name> folder. To deliver your HTML Help, you need to deliver the .chm file.
If you created context-sensitive help, your application developer needs to build with the <Target Name>\<Project Name>\<Project Name>.h file. If you created What’s This field-level help, your application developer also needs to build with the <Target Name>\<Project Name>\whatisthis.h file. For more information about these mapping files, see Using Context-Sensitive Help in HTML Help and Defining What's This (Field-Level) Help in HTML Help.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021