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CLI Syntax and Reference
The ePublisher AutoMap command-line interface can run a job or an ePublisher project. The command-line interface uses the following syntax:
WebWorks.Automap.exe [-f] [-n] [-c] [-l] [-u] [-j] [-d directory]
[{[-s directory] jobfile}|{[-t targets] projectfile}]
The supported command-line options are defined in the following table.
Deletes cached information and builds the output from scratch. Use this option only when passing an ePublisher project .wrp file. This option is equivalent to selecting Regenerate All. The default is to generate only what is needed and to use all available cached information. You can also specify this option as --clean.
-d directory
Specifies an alternate deployment directory. This setting overrides the specified default values. You can also specify this option as
--deployfolder directory.
Scans all source documents for new styles, conditions, variables and xrefs. After the conversion is completed the resulting Express project file will be saved with all the updated information. You can also specify this option as --update.
Just scans all source documents for new styles, conditions, variables and xrefs. Saves Express project file without running a conversion.You can also specify this option as --justupdate.
Does not send an email notification when this job is finished. This setting overrides the default value specified in the ePublisher AutoMap preferences. You can also specify this option as --nonotify.
Deletes all files in the deployment location before deploying the newly-generated output. This option ensures that all files in the deployment folder are from this last generation process. You can also specify this option as
Generates output and does not deploy it. This setting overrides the default deployment settings specified in the job or ePublisher project. You can also specify this option as --nodeploy.
-s directory
Specifies the staging directory to use. Use this option only when passing a job .waj file. This setting overrides the default value specified in the ePublisher AutoMap preferences. You can also specify this option as
--stagingdir directory.
-t targets
Builds only the specified targets. Separate multiple targets with a comma and no space on either side of the comma. Use this option only when passing an ePublisher project .wrp file. The default is to build all targets. You can also specify this option as --target targets.
Specifies the name of the ePublisher AutoMap .waj job file.
Specifies the name of the ePublisher .wrp project file.
As with other command-line applications, specify the command-line options on the command line after the application name itself. Separate multiple command-line options with a space. Review the following additional notes concerning ePublisher AutoMap command-line options:
*The command-line options have both shortened and verbose formats. For example, you can specify the clean option as –c or --clean. Both options mean exactly the same thing and you can mix the shortened and verbose formats across the options.
*Some options require additional information. For example, the staging folder option requires the name of the directory and is specified as --stagingdir directory. You need to include the equals sign without spaces on either side.
*In cases where you specify paths with spaces, enclose those paths in double quotes to correctly handle the paths. You do not have to enclose paths without spaces in double quotes, but you can without an issue. For example, c:\projects works without enclosing it in double-quotes. However, c:\my projects does not work as expected. The correct format for the latter path is c:\my projects.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024