Scanning and Scanning Options
When ePublisher scans your source documents, it reads the style and formatting information, variables, conditions, and marker types in your source documents and then imports this information into your ePublisher project. Once ePublisher imports this information into your project, you can generate output. You can also modify target settings if you have permissions to modify target settings. For more information, see
Generating and Regenerating Output and
Working with Target Settings.
The scanning process can be time-consuming. You can reduce the amount of time it takes ePublisher to scan your documents by scanning only the source documents you select. Scan your source documents when you have made any of the following changes to your source documents:
Added new content
Added new style information
Modified any existing styles
Added new markers, variables, or conditions
Modified existing markers, variables, or conditions
ePublisher provides the following options for scanning source documents in Document Manager:
Scan Selected
Scans only the selected source document in Document Manager.
Scan All Documents
Scans all of the source documents that you added to your project and that are displayed in Document Manager.
Last modified date: 01/27/2022