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Rearranging Source Documents in Groups
Once you have added source documents to your project and placed your source documents into groups within Document Manager, you can rearrange source documents by moving the source documents within the same group or by moving source documents to a new location in a new group.
If you have a FrameMaker book (.bk or .book file) in a group, you can move the FrameMaker book to a different group, but you cannot move an individual FrameMaker document (.fm file) to a group if it is included in the .book file. .fm files that belong to a .book file must remain in the same group as the .book file. If you want to move a .fm file to a different group than the .book file is in, first remove the .fm file from the book, scan the book, and add the .fm file, which is no longer part of the book, to the appropriate book.
To rearrange source documents in groups
1. If you want to change the order of source documents within a group, complete the following steps:
a. In Document Manager, click the source document you want to move.
b. Drag the source document to the desired location within the group.
2. If you want to move a source document to a different group, complete the following steps:
a. In Document Manager, click the document you want to move.
b. Drag the source document to the desired location within the new group.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022