Generating Output
In ePublisher, you can generate output for the following items:

The entire project, which generates output for all the groups and source documents in your project

A single group within your project

An individual source document within your project
Generate output for all of the groups in your project when you are generating the final, completed output or help system, when you are merging output or help systems, or when you are deploying your output.
Generate output for a single group if you have already generated output for the other groups in your project, but you have made some slight modifications to one of the groups. Using ePublisher to generate output for a single group reduces the amount of time it takes ePublisher to generate output for your project. When you generate output for a single group, ePublisher generates output for all of the source documents within the group. If you select a top-level group or a group that contains subgroups, ePublisher generates output for all of the source documents in the group and its subgroups.
Generate output for an individual source document if you have made some slight modifications to a source document and want to preview what your generated output will look like. Selecting an individual source document instead of generating output for the entire group or project reduces the amount of time it takes ePublisher to generate output.
To generate output
1. On the Project menu, select the target next to Active Target for which you want to generate output.
2. If you want to generate output for an entire project, on the Project menu, click Generate All.
3. If you want to generate output for a group in your project, complete the following steps:
a. In Document Manager, select the group for which you want to generate output.
b. On the Project menu, click Generate Selected.
4. If you want to generate output for an individual source document in your project, complete the following steps:
a. In Document Manager, select the document for which you want to generate output.
b. On the Project menu, click Generate Selected.
Note: Some formats, such as WebWorks Reverb (1 &2), must be deployed to a server for observing full functionality. WebWorks Reverb (1 & 2) does provide a convenience web server that can be used for quick, non-production preview purposes. Refer to
Deploying Output to Output Destinations for further information.
Last modified date: 01/27/2022