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Configuring Reports
When you use reports to validate your output, you must specify the type of notification that you want to display when ePublisher detects issues or performs actions while generating output using your source documents. When ePublisher generates output, ePublisher generates notifications under the following conditions:
*When ePublisher cannot properly process elements
*When ePublisher encounters missing information
For example, ePublisher can generate a notification when it detects a potential error in your source documents when you generate output, such as an unresolved cross reference. ePublisher can also generate a notification when it performs a specific action using elements contained in your source documents, such as when ePublisher generates an output file using a filename you specified using a Filename marker.
You can specify the following values for report options when you generate output:
Specify this value if you do not want ePublisher to report any issues it identifies in the report. For example, specify this value you do not want the Styles report to report any style overrides.
Specify this value if you want to receive a message when ePublisher completes or fails to complete an action. For example, if you are not concerned if your source document uses non-standard styles, but you would like to see where non-standard styles are used in your source documents, specify this value.
Specify this value if you want to receive a warning when ePublisher completes or files to complete an action. For example, if you want to be warned when ePublisher detects non-standard styles in your source documents, specify this value.
Specify this value if you want the report to display an error when ePublisher completes or files to complete an action. For example, if you want to receive an error notification when ePublisher detects unresolved cross-references in your source documents, specify this value.
To configure report notification settings
1. On the Project menu, select the target next to Active Target for which you want to configure report notification settings.
2. On the Target menu, click Target Settings.
3. If you want to specify Accessibility report notification settings, in the Accessibility Report area, specify a value for each Accessibility report notification setting you want to configure. For more information about each setting, click Help.
4. If you want to specify Baggage Files report notification settings, in the Baggage Files Report area, specify a value for each Baggage File report notification setting you want to configure. For more information about each setting, click Help.
5. If you want to specify Conditions report notification settings, in the Conditions Report area, specify a value for each Condition report notification setting you want to configure. For more information about each setting, click Help.
6. If you want to specify Filenames report notification settings, in the Filenames Report area, specify a value for each Filename report notification setting you want to configure. For more information about each setting, click Help.
7. If you want to specify Links report notification settings, in the Links Report area, specify a value for each Link report notification setting you want to configure. For more information about each setting, click Help.
8. If you want to specify Styles report notification settings, in the Styles Report area, specify a value for each Style report notification setting you want to configure. For more information about each setting, click Help.
9. If you want to specify Topics report notification settings, in the Topics Report area, specify a value for each Topic report notification setting you want to configure. For more information about each setting, click Help.
10. If you want to specify Images report notification settings, in the Images Report area, specify a value for each Image report notification setting you want to configure. For more information about each setting, click Help.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022