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Baggage Files Report Messages
The following table lists messages in Baggage Files reports.
Title missing for '{0}'.
The baggage file doesn’t have a title defined.
If it’s an HTML baggage file insert a <title> tag in the <head> tag of the HTML. Or add the @title attribute to that file entry in your baggage list info file.
If it’s a PDF baggage file add the @title attribute to that file entry in your baggage list info file.
Summary missing for '{0}'.
The baggage file doesn’t have a summary defined.
If it’s an HTML baggage file you can do one of these:
*insert a <meta> tag in the <head> tag of the HTML with @name=’summary’ and @content with the summary you want to define,
*create any kind of tag inside the <body> tag that accepts the attribute @class with @class=’summary’ and then place your summary as the content of the element,
*insert a <meta> tag in the <head> tag of the HTML with @name=’description’ and @content with the summary you want to define.
Or add the @summary attribute to that file entry in your baggage list info file.
If it’s a PDF baggage file add the @summary attribute to that file entry in your baggage list info file.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022