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Creating Output Destinations
Before you can deploy your output, you must create output destinations. You can specify one output destination or multiple output destinations. Specify multiple output destinations when you want to deploy your output to multiple locations. For example, assume that you place your generated output to a web server computer, and you use both a staging server and a production server. You can create one output destination in ePublisher for the staging server, and another output destination in ePublisher for the production server.
Output destinations are not project or target specific. When you define output destinations in ePublisher, ePublisher saves the output destinations you define and allows you to use the output destinations you specify across multiple ePublisher projects and targets.
When you deploy output to an output destination, ensure you specify a descriptive name for the output destination. When you work with output destination, you can only see the name of the output destination. You will not be able to see the actual path you specified to the output destination. Type a descriptive name for the output destination that allows you to easily identify each output destination you specify.
For example, if you are deploying WebWorks Help output for a product to both a staging server and a production server, type Production Server ProductA WebWorks Help for the first output destination. When you create your second output destination, type Staging Server ProductA WebWorks Help for the second output destination.
To create an output destination
1. On the Target menu, click Target Settings.
2. Click Add deploy target.
3. Complete the following steps:
a. Click Add > Folder.
b. In the Name field, type a descriptive name for the output destination.
c. In the Directory field, type the path to the folder you want to specify as the output destination, or click the folder icon and then browse to and select the folder where you would like to deploy your output.
d. Click OK.
After you create an output destination, you must specify which target is associated with the output destination before you can deploy output. For more information, see Specifying Output Destinations for Targets and Deploying Output to Output Destinations.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022