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Copy baggage file dependents
If you have this setting Enabled in your Target Settings, all the dependents of your HTML baggage files will be copied to the baggage folder inside the corresponding group in the output folder. These mean the final user will be able to open the HTML baggage file and it will look pretty similar to the original one. Right now we support the dependences corresponding to these tags:
*<link> tag inside the <head> tag that it’s not an external URL or starts with “javascript:
*<script> tag that it’s not an external URL or starts with “javascript:
*<img> tag that it’s not an external URL or starts with “javascript:
*<input> tag that it’s not an external URL or starts with “javascript:
*<iframe> tag that it’s not an external URL or starts with “javascript:
*<video> tag that it’s not an external URL or starts with “javascript:
*<audio> tag that it’s not an external URL or starts with “javascript:
*<object> tag inside the <body> tag that it’s not an external URL or starts with “javascript:
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022