Specifying Output Format-Specific Settings
You can specify output format-specific settings for the following output formats:
WebWorks Reverb
eBook - ePUB 2.0
Eclipse Help
Microsoft HTML Help
Oracle Help
Sun JavaHelp
WebWorks Help
You must have the target that uses the output format selected in your project before you can see the output format-specific settings in the window. For example, to see WebWorks Help output format-specific settings in the window, you must have a target that uses the WebWorks Help output format selected as your active target. If you have a target that uses the Microsoft HTML Help output format selected as your active target, you will not be able to see WebWorks Help output format-specific settings in the window. You will only be able to see Microsoft HTML Help output format-specific settings.
To specify output format-specific settings for a target
1. On the Project menu, select the target next to Active Target for which you want to specify output format-specific settings.
2. On the
Target menu, click
Target Settings. You must have target modification permissions to modify target settings. For more information, see
Working with Target Settings.
3. Under the name of the output format, specify the appropriate values for each output format-specific setting. For more information about output format-specific settings and values, click Help.
4. Click OK.
Last modified date: 01/27/2022