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General Tab (Preferences Window)
This window allows you to specify a job folder, staging folder, and user formats folder for ePublisher AutoMap jobs. You can also specify the user interface language ePublisher AutoMap uses, whether you want ePublisher AutoMap jobs to always scan for variables and conditions, and if you want ePublisher AutoMap jobs to delete temporary files created in the staging folder after generating output.
The fields are defined as follows:
Job folder 
Specifies the folder where ePublisher AutoMap stores job files and log files.
A job file is a file that uses a proprietary XML format. ePublisher AutoMap stores all information that describes an ePublisher AutoMap job in the job file. ePublisher AutoMap uses the name of the job as the job file name, and ePublisher AutoMap uses WebWorks AutoMap Job (.waj) as the extension for the job file. ePublisher AutoMap creates the job file based on information you specify using the ePublisher AutoMap user interface. Do not edit the job file directly. If you edit the job file outside of the ePublisher AutoMap user interface, ePublisher AutoMap may no longer be able to read the job file.
A log file is a file that contains information about events that occurred the last time the ePublisher AutoMap job generated output. The log file is a plain text file that you can view using any text editor. Log files use the .txt extension. ePublisher AutoMap does not create and store a log file in the job folder until the job runs and generates output.
By default, ePublisher AutoMap creates the job folder in the following location: \Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\WebWorks Automap\Jobs, where UserName is the name of the user account under which the job runs.
Staging folder 
Specifies the folder where ePublisher AutoMap stores the job information an ePublisher AutoMap job needs to generate output. The staging folder servers as a working folder for the job. Information such as automatically generated ePublisher projects, intermediate data files, and output files are stored in the stating folder.
By default, ePublisher AutoMap creates the staging folder in the following location: \Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\WebWorks Automap\Staging, where UserName is the name of the user account under which the job runs.
ePublisher AutoMap creates the staging folder contents based on information you specify using the ePublisher AutoMap user interface and uses this information to generate output. Do not edit files in the staging folder directly. If you edit files in the staging folder directly, the ePublisher AutoMap job may no longer be able to run.
Always scan for variables and conditions 
Specifies whether ePublisher AutoMap always scans for new variables and conditions when adding a document to the Document Manager.
Delete temporary files after generating 
Specifies whether ePublisher AutoMap jobs delete the temporary files the job created in the staging folder after generating output. This option is disabled in ePublisher AutoMap by default so you can examine the actual project and intermediate files created and stored in the staging folder when the ePublisher AutoMap job generated output. Enable this option to reduce the amount of computer disk space ePublisher AutoMap uses and if you do not want to examine the actual project and intermediate files created and stored in the staging folder when the ePublisher AutoMap job generated output.
User interface language 
Specifies the language the ePublisher AutoMap user interface uses. ePublisher is currently available in English, French, German and Japanese. If you change the user interface language to use, you must close and then reopen the user interface before the language change you specified takes effect.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021