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Info Tab (Target Configuration Window)
This window allows you to specify output target settings for the selected output target, such as where to deploy the output after generating the output, if you want ePublisher AutoMap to delete any files in the output location before generating output, and if you want to run a pre-build or post-build script before or after generating output for each output target.
The fields are defined as follows:
Deploy to 
Specifies the deployment location. The deployment locations listed are deployment location configured in the ePublisher Stationery or ePublisher project associated with the ePublisher AutoMap job. Click Add deploy target to add an output deployment location to the list.
Delete files in output location before deployment 
Specifies whether ePublisher AutoMap deletes any existing files in the deployment location before ePublisher AutoMap places new files in the deployment location.
Specifies the pre-build script to run before ePublisher AutoMap generates output. Type or paste the pre-build script into the text field or click Edit Script to use the Script Editor window to write your script.
Specifies the post-build script to run before ePublisher AutoMap generates output. Type or paste the pre-build script into the text field or click Edit Script to use the Script Editor window to write your script.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021