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User Information Window
This window allows you to specify authentication information to schedule an ePublisher AutoMap job using Windows Task Scheduler. Windows Task Scheduler is a free tool that is included in Microsoft Windows operating systems.
With ePublisher AutoMap, you can specify when ePublisher AutoMap jobs run using Windows Task Scheduler. When you configure an ePublisher AutoMap job to run on a schedule, you must specify a user account and password for Windows Task Scheduler to use when running the job. When the ePublisher AutoMap job you scheduled using Windows Task Scheduler runs, Windows Task Scheduler executes the job using the security context of the credentials you specified when you created the job.
For more information about Windows Task Scheduler, refer to the Microsoft Windows operating system help.
The fields are defined as follows:
User name 
Specifies the user account name for Windows Task Scheduler to use when running the job. Enter your Windows user account name. Include the name of the domain to which the user account belongs to use the credentials of a user account that is a member of a Windows domain to run the job.
For example, type DomainName\UserAccountName, where DomainName is the name of the domain to which the user account belongs, and UserAccountName is the name of the Windows user account.
Specifies the password for the user account name. Type the password for the Windows user account you specified in the User name field.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021