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Authoring Source Documents » Adobe FrameMaker » Specifying Output File Names in FrameMaker
Specifying Output File Names in FrameMaker
By default, ePublisher automatically assigns file names to your generated output files for topics (pages) and for embedded image (graphic) output files.
Note: If you insert your images by reference in Adobe FrameMaker, ePublisher preserves the original file names. For more information, see Working with Images in FrameMaker.
You can customize this naming convention using one of the following methods:
*Inserting Filename markers into your source documents
*Specifying the topic (page) and image (graphic) naming patterns for ePublisher to use in the target settings for your output
This section explains how you can specify output file names in your FrameMaker source documents using Filename markers. For more information about using target settings to specify output file names using page and image naming patterns, see Specifying Page, Image, and Table File Naming Patterns.
To specify a file name for a page or image output file using Filename markers, your Stationery and FrameMaker template must have the Filename marker type configured.
The following procedure provides an example of how to specify page and embedded image output file names in Adobe FrameMaker source documents using unstructured Adobe FrameMaker 7.2. Steps for specifying page and embedded image output file names in Adobe FrameMaker may be different in other versions of Adobe FrameMaker.
To specify page and embedded image output file names in an Adobe FrameMaker source document
1. If you want to insert a Filename marker for a page output file, complete the following steps:
a. In your Adobe FrameMaker source document, locate the page for the topic to which you want to assign a specific filename. For more information about creating pages using page breaks, see Specifying Page Breaks Settings.
b. Insert your cursor at the beginning of the first paragraph on the page.
2. If you want to insert a Filename marker for an embedded image output file, complete the following steps:
a. In your Adobe FrameMaker source document, locate the embedded image for which you want to assign the output graphic file.
b. On the Graphics menu, click Tools to display the graphic tools palette.
c. Click the Text Frame icon.
d. Drag the cursor across the image to draw a text frame over the image.
e. In the Create New Text Frame window, in the Number field, type 1, and then click Set.
f. Click outside of the image, and then insert your cursor in the text frame.
3. In Adobe FrameMaker, on the Special menu, click Marker.
4. In the Marker Type field, select Filename from the drop-down list.
5. If the Filename marker type is not on the list, check with the Stationery designer to obtain the name of the marker type the Stationery designer created to support this functionality and then use the marker type specified by the Stationery designer. For more information, refer to Implementing Online Features in FrameMaker.
6. In the Marker Text field, type the file name you want to assign to the output file. Do not include the output file extension when you type the Filename marker text.
7. Click New Marker.
8. Save your source document.
9. Generate output for your project. For more information, see Generating Output.
10. In Output Explorer, verify ePublisher created an output file using the file name you specified. For more information, see Viewing Output in Output Explorer.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024