Specifying Context Plug-ins in FrameMaker
You can specify Eclipse Help context plug-ins by using Context Plugin markers in your source documents. ePublisher places the context plug-ins you specify in your source documents in the plugin.xml
file generated for each source document group you have in Document Manager. You can then have developers use the context plug-ins defined in plugin.xml
files to call your Eclipse Help system as appropriate from Eclipse plug-ins.
For example, assume you have the following three top-level groups in Document Manager for your Eclipse Help system target:

Component A group - contains the source documents for ComponentA Feature1 and ComponentA Feature2

Component B group - contains the source documents for ComponentB Feature1 and ComponentB Feature 2

Component C group - contains the source documents for ComponentC Feature1 and ComponentC Feature 2
You insert the following Context Plugin markers into the source documents for each group:

ComponentAFeature1 and ComponentAFeature2 Context Plugin markers in source documents contained in the ComponentA group

ComponentBFeature1 and ComponentBFeature2 Context Plugin markers in source documents contained in the ComponentB group

ComponentCFeature1 and ComponentCFeature2 Context Plugin markers in source documents contained in the ComponentC group
When you generate your Eclipse Help system, ePublisher creates the following folder structure in the ProjectName\Output\
TargetName folder, where ProjectName is the name of your ePublisher project, and TargetName is the name of your target:

folder, which contains a
file with the following entries:

folder, which contains a
file with the following entries:

folder, which contains a
file with the following entries:
You can then provide the context plug-in IDs in your plugin.xml
files to the appropriate Eclipse developers to use. The Eclipse developers use the context plug-ins defined in plugin.xml
files to call your Eclipse Help system as appropriate from Eclipse plug-ins.
To specify a context plug-in in an Adobe FrameMaker source document
1. Identify a topic in a source document where you want to insert the context plug-in.
2. On the Special menu, click Marker.
3. In the Marker Type field, select Context Plugin from the drop-down list.
4. If the Context Plugin marker type is not on the list, check with the Stationery designer to obtain the name of the marker type the Stationery designer created to support this functionality and then use the marker type specified by the Stationery designer. For more information, refer to
Implementing Online Features in FrameMaker.
5. In the Marker Text field, type the appropriate ID for the context plug-in.
Note: If you are responsible for defining the ID, ensure you supply the context plug-in ID to your developers to use as appropriate for their Eclipse plug-ins. If your developers define the ID, use the context plug-in ID you obtained from your developers.
6. Click New Marker.
7. Save your Adobe FrameMaker source document.
9. In Output Explorer, verify ePublisher generated a plugin.xml
file that contains the context plug-in IDs you specified by completing the following steps:
a. On the View menu, click Output Directory.
b. Open the ProjectName folder, where ProjectName is the name of your project.
c. Open the group folder for a group that contains the source documents where you specified your context plug-in ID.
d. Open the plugin.xml
file in Notepad and verify that the context plug-in IDs you specified in your source documents are listed in the plugin.xml
file. Your context plug-in IDs should be listed in the Contexts area of the file. Following is an example of the how the context plug-in IDs you specified in your source documents should be displayed in the plugin.xml
<!-- Contexts -->
<!-- -->
<extension point="org.eclipse.help.contexts">
<contexts file="contexts.xml" plugin="ComponentAFeature1ContextPlugin" />
<extension point="org.eclipse.help.contexts">
<contexts file="contexts.xml" plugin="ComponentAFeature2ContextPlugin" />
Last modified date: 06/11/2024