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Assigning Alternate Text to Images in Word
Use the Web tab on the Format Picture window to assign alternate text to images in Microsoft Word source documents.
The following procedure provides an example of how to assign alternate text to images in Microsoft Word source documents using Microsoft Word 2003. Steps for assigning alternate text to images in Microsoft Word may be different in other versions of Microsoft Word.
To assign alternate text to an image in a Microsoft Word source document
1. In your Microsoft Word source document, locate the image for which you want to specify image scaling.
2. Right-click the image, and then click Format Picture or Format Object.
3. On the Web tab, in the Alternative text field, type the alternate text you want to specify for the image.
4. Click OK.
5. Save your Microsoft Word source document.
6. Generate output for your project. For more information, see Generating Output.
7. Verify ePublisher assigned the alternate text you specified to the image when it generated output by completing the following steps:
a. On the View menu, click Output Directory.
b. In the TargetName folder, open the page that has the image to which you assigned alternate text in Notepad, where TargetName is the name of your target.
c. Verify that the alternate text you specified is included in the alt tag for the image.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024