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Providing Citations for Quotes in Word
A citation is a reference or footnote to a book, article, or other material that specifies the source from which a quotation was borrowed. A citation contains all the information necessary to identify and locate the work. Using a Citation character style and the Citation marker, you can specify citations for quotes that enable users to go to a Web site that contains additional information about the quote.
Following is an example of the HTML code produced when you specify a citation for a quote.
<blockquote cite=""> <p>Remuneration! O! that's the Latin word for three farthings. 
--- William Shakespeare (Love's Labor Lost).</p> </blockquote> 
To provide citations for quotes, your Stationery and template must have the following items configured:
*Citation character style
*Citation marker type
Your output format must also support this feature.
The following procedure provides an example of how to specify citations for quotes in Microsoft Word source documents using Microsoft Word 2003. Steps for specifying citations for quotes in Microsoft Word may be different in other versions of Microsoft Word.
To specify citations for quotes in a Microsoft Word source document
1. In your Microsoft Word source document, locate the quotation for which you want to specify a citation.
2. If the quotation is a phrase within a paragraph, complete the following steps:
a. Apply the Citation character style to the quotation phrase.
b. Insert your cursor anywhere inside the quotation phrase.
3. If the quotation is a full paragraph, insert your cursor into the paragraph.
c. On the Special menu, click Marker.
4. On the WebWorks menu, click Markers.
5. In the Markers field, select Citation from the list of markers.
6. In the Value field, type the URL for the citation.
7. Click OK. ePublisher inserts the Citation marker into the abbreviation.
8. Save your Microsoft Word source document.
9. Generate output for your project. For more information, see Generating Output.
10. Verify ePublisher created the citation you specified when it generated output by completing the following steps:
a. On the View menu, click Output Directory.
b. In the TargetName folder, open the page that has the quotation for which you specified a quotation in Notepad, where TargetName is the name of your target.
c. Verify that the citation you specified for the quotation is included in the cite attribute.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024