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Creating a Miniature Table of Contents
A miniature table of contents (mini-TOC), also known as a partial table of contents, provides a list of the topics in the upcoming section. The topic titles are displayed as links beneath the current topic heading for easier navigation within the section. By default, ePublisher does not create a mini-TOC in topics within your output. You can configure ePublisher to generate mini-TOCs and you can define your mini-TOC levels in Style Designer. Before you begin, define the main table of contents for your projects. For more information, see Defining the Table of Contents Structure (Levels). Your mini-TOC is derived from the table of contents level settings you define for the project.
To create a mini-TOC
1. Open your Stationery design project.
2. On the View menu, click Style Designer.
3. On the Project menu, click a target in the Active Target menu option that is an output format that supports this option.
4. In Paragraph Styles, select the style you want to include a mini-TOC after.
5. On the Options tab, specify a value for the Mini-TOC level option. Specify a value that indicates the levels of the table of contents entries to include in the mini-TOC that follows the selected paragraph style. For more information about this option, click Help.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024