Specifying File Names for Images Using Graphic Naming Patterns
ePublisher preserves the original file names for images imported by reference. If images are inserted directly into a source document, or if ePublisher cannot process the image by reference, then ePublisher assigns a file name using a graphic naming pattern.
By default ePublisher uses the following values when specifying file names for images:
This specifies that ePublisher name the files using the following syntax when it generates image files for a target:
The parts of the default naming rule are defined as follows:
Identifies the name of the source document that the topic came from without the file extension.
Identifies the number of the source document in the order it is included in its containing group in the project, such as 1 for the first source document in a group and 2 for the second source document in a group. This value starts at 1 for the first source document in each group in your project.
Identifies the number of the topic (output page) generated from the source document, such as 1 for the first topic generated from a source document and 2 for the second topic generated from a source document. This value starts at 1 for the first topic in each source document.
Identifies the number of the image in the topic generated from the source document, such as 1 for the first image generated in a topic and 2 for the second image generated in a topic. This value starts at 1 for the first image in each topic.
For example, if you have a source document named MyFile.doc
that contains two images in the first topic that generates an output file, and three images in the second topic that generates an output file, and all the images are directly included in the source document, ePublisher generates the following default output image file names: MyFile.1.1.1.jpg
, MyFile.1.1.2.jpg
, MyFile.1.2.1.jpg
, MyFile.1.2.2.jpg
, and MyFile.1.2.3.jpg
. You can change the default format and file extension for each graphic style.
You can use the following values to specify an image (graphic) file naming pattern for a target:
Note: Each value you specify must begin with a dollar sign ($
) character and end with a semicolon (;
) character. Inserting a period (.
) character immediately before the value specifies that ePublisher use a period to separate the values when generating output.
Value | Description |
$P; | Includes the name of the project in the file name. |
$T; | Includes the name of the target in the file name. |
$G; | Includes the name of the group in Document Manager that contains the file name. |
$C; | Includes the project to project linking context value of the group in the file name. WebWorks Help and WebWorks Reverb use the context value when generating merged, or multivolume help that includes context-sensitive help. In WebWorks Help/Reverb, you need to include this context and the TopicAlias value in the help call to display the correct help topic. For more information, see Merging Top-level Groups (Multivolume Help) and Opening Context-Sensitive Help in WebWorks Help using Standard URLs. |
$H; | Includes the heading text or title of the topic in the file name. |
$D; | Includes the name of the source document that the topic came from in the file name. |
$DN; | Includes the source document number in the file name. The source document number is the number that identifies the position of the source document in the project. |
$PN; | Includes the page number in the file name. The page number is the number of the page that the topic is on in the source document. |
$GN; | Includes the graphic number in the file name. The graphic number is the sequential number of the graphic in the generated output, and it is based on the position of the graphic in the generated output. |
You can also specify if you want ePublisher to convert spaces in file names to underscore (_) characters when generating output. If you enable this setting, when you generate output, spaces in file names are replaced with the underscore character. For example, with this setting disabled, file names display as Word1 Word2.jpg
. With this setting enabled, when you generate output file names display as Word1_Word2.html
To specify an image (graphic) file naming pattern for a target
1. On the Project menu, select the target next to Active Target for which you want to specify settings.
2. On the
Target menu, click
Target Settings. You must have target modification permissions to modify target settings. For more information, see
Working with Target Settings.
3. Under Files, specify the appropriate values for the graphic file naming pattern you want to use.
Last modified date: 12/27/2024