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Enabling See Also Functionality
If you want to create a See Also link as inline text without a button, create a unique character style and select the See Also option for that style. If you want to use a button to display the See Also links, create a unique paragraph style, select the See Also option for that style, and type the See Also text on that paragraph. The properties you select for the paragraph style in Style Designer affect the text of the See Also button. To modify the appearance of the button itself, see Modifying the Appearance of the See Also Button. You also need to create a SeeAlsoLink and SeeAlsoKeyword marker.
HTML Help also supports the SeeAlsoLinkDisplayType and SeeAlsoLinkWindowType markers. These markers allow you to change how the See Also links are displayed in HTML Help. For example, you can display the links as a popup menu.
Note: If paragraph and marker styles are created in your source document after you create a project, scan the document in the project again for the changes to take effect.
To enable See Also functionality in your Stationery
1. Open your Stationery design project.
2. On the View menu, click Style Designer.
3. On the Project menu, click a target in the Active Target menu option that is an output format that supports this option.
4. If you want to use buttons for See Also links, complete the following steps:
a. In Paragraph Styles, select the paragraph style to use for See Also links.
b. On the Options tab, set See Also to Enabled.
5. If you want to use inline text for See Also links, complete the following steps:
a. In Character Styles, select the character style to use for See Also links.
b. On the Options tab, set See Also to Enabled.
6. In Marker Styles, select the SeeAlsoKeyword marker style.
7. On the Options tab, set Marker type to See Also Keywords.
8. In Marker Styles, select the SeeAlsoLink marker style.
9. On the Options tab, set Marker type to See Also Link Keywords.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024