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Designing Stationery » Style Designer Reference » Graphic Styles Options
Graphic Styles Options
ePublisher provides many options to allow you to customize your content transformation process and implement the online features you need. For example, the options define the size and quality of the images in the generated output, as well as many other features and behaviors. For more information, see Defining the Appearance of Images
Additional CSS classes 
Specifies an additional class name to include in the output class name for the selected style. This option is helpful if you are using a custom .css file. ePublisher supports this option only in output formats that support cascading style sheets. This option is available all styles except marker styles.
This option lets you specify other classes to add to the class statement in the generated output for the selected style. For example, if you have a class in your .css file called Red that defines the text color as red, you can specify Red in the Additional CSS classes option for each style you want to have red text. ePublisher adds this class to the class name in the generated output, such as classname=”sourcestylename Red”.
Allow by-reference vector images (SVG) 
Allows vector image .svg files to be imported by-reference in the source documents. ePublisher includes these images in the generated output files. This option is available only for graphic styles.
By reference graphics 
Allows images to be imported in source documents by reference. ePublisher preserves the original image file names that are imported by reference and does not assign file names to these images. This option is available only for graphic styles.
By reference graphics use document dimensions 
Resizes all images imported by reference in the source documents to use the size defined within the source documents. Enabling this option can reduce the clarity of images by causing ePublisher to rasterize the images to achieve the size defined in the source documents. ePublisher preserves the original image file names that are imported by reference and does not assign file names to these images. This option is available only for graphic styles.
Color bit depth 
Specifies the number of bits of data carrying the color information in your images. The range of colors available through digital computer images is usually expressed in terms of bit depth. Common bit depth levels for images include 8-bit and 24-bit color. In general, more bits of data make more colors available. This option applies only to .gif and .png images. .jpg images are 32-bit images. This option is available only for graphic styles.
Specifies the output format for images with the selected graphic style. By default, ePublisher transfers all images in your source documents, regardless of their file format, to Web-ready .jpg images. You may want to use other image formats for online delivery. For example, .gif images can produce similar quality images as .jpg, but the file size is smaller. The .gif format can also support transparent colors. You can also create .png images, which combine some of the best qualities of both .jpg and .gif files.
If you use the same format and size as your source document images, you can avoid the rasterization process and improve the clarity of your images in your generated output. For more information, see Defining the Appearance of Images.
This option works with the Output file extension and JPG Quality options. If you select JPG, set Output file extension to .jpg and set JPG Quality to the appropriate value to transform your images with the quality level you need. This option is available only for graphic styles. For more information, see Choosing an Image File Format and Quality Level.
Generate output 
Specifies whether the selected style is included in the generated output. This option is available for all styles except marker styles. By default. the Generate output option is set to Enabled so that all content is included in the output. If you select Disabled, the content with the selected style does not appear in the generated output.
Specifies whether to transform your original color images into grayscale versions in your generated content. If you set the Grayscale option to Enabled, ePublisher removes the color saturation of the original images when those images are transformed with your content. If the original source images are grayscale, this option has no effect. This option is available only for graphic styles.
Specifies whether to transform images as interlaced images. Interlaced images initially load more quickly in browsers and become more clear as the browser displays additional detail. This option is available only for graphic styles.
JPG Quality 
Specifies the quality of the .jpg image files ePublisher creates from the images in your source documents with the selected graphic style. This value is a percentage of the original source document quality. For example, set this option to 100 to have ePublisher duplicate the quality of your original images. The default value is 75.
Once you select JPG in the Format option for a graphic style, set the JPG Quality option. The quality level impacts both the visual aspects of your images and the size of the generated files. Higher-quality images require larger files, which require more time to download and display. This option does not affect .gif or .png images. This option is available only for graphic styles.
Maximum image height (px) 
Specifies the maximum height, in pixels, for images with the selected graphic style. During conversion, ePublisher resizes source document images taller than this value and maintains the original aspect ratio of each image. This option works with the Render DPI, Scale %, and Maximum image width options to make sure your images are correctly sized for online delivery. This option is available only for graphic styles.
ePublisher automatically converts images in your source document into Web-ready formats. However, the size of your print image may not be appropriate for online delivery. ePublisher provides several ways to modify the size of your images for online delivery without affecting the original images. While you can specify a fixed image width and height for all images using a specific graphic style, it is often most efficient to define the maximum height and width for an image.
Maximum image width (px) 
Specifies the maximum width, in pixels, for images with the selected graphic style. During conversion, ePublisher resizes source document images wider than this value and maintains the original aspect ratio of each image. This option works with the Render DPI, Scale %, and Maximum image height options to make sure your images are correctly sized for online delivery. This option is available only for graphic styles.
ePublisher automatically converts images in your source document into Web-ready formats. However, the size of your print image may not be appropriate for online delivery. ePublisher provides several ways to modify the size of your images for online delivery without affecting the original images. While you can specify a fixed image width and height for all images using a specific graphic style, it is often most efficient to define the maximum height and width for an image.
Maximum thumbnail height (px) 
Specifies the maximum height, in pixels, for thumbnails of images with the selected graphic style. A thumbnail is a small copy of an image displayed in place of the original image online to conserve space and download time. This option is available only for graphic styles.
When you enter a value in this option, ePublisher automatically creates thumbnails for any image that exceeds the maximum thumbnail height specified. When the user clicks the thumbnail in the generated output, the full-size image is displayed. Use the Thumbnail page style option to alter the appearance of the window in which ePublisher displays the full-size images. If you do not want thumbnail images used in your online output, leave this option value blank.
Maximum thumbnail width (px) 
Specifies the maximum width, in pixels, for thumbnails of images with the selected graphic style. A thumbnail is a small copy of an image displayed in place of the original image online to conserve space and download time. This option is available only for graphic styles.
When you enter a value in this option, ePublisher automatically creates thumbnails for any image that exceeds the maximum thumbnail width specified. When the user clicks the thumbnail in the generated output, the full-size image is displayed. Use the Thumbnail page style option to alter the appearance of the window in which ePublisher displays the full-size images. If you do not want thumbnail images used in your online output, leave this option value blank.
Output file extension 
Specifies the file extension to use for output files. If you select a page style, specify a value such as .htm or .html for your output files. If you select a graphic style, specify a value that corresponds to the graphic file format you selected for the Format option, such as .jpg, .gif, or .png. This option is available only for graphic and page styles.
Render DPI 
Specifies the dots per inch (DPI) to use for images with the selected graphic style. ePublisher defaults this value to 96. If you specify a DPI that differs from the DPI of your source images, ePublisher rasterizes the image to create the new image for online delivery. If your source documents images have settings for a print-level resolution, such as 300 DPI or higher, you can reduce the image resolution for online delivery. Higher DPI images create larger files that require more time to download. In addition, most monitors display a resolution of 96 DPI, so higher resolutions do not increase the quality of the image displayed online. This option is available only for graphic styles.
Although transforming an image from 300 DPI to 96 DPI helps optimize your images for online delivery, it also affects the width and height of your images. Because a resolution of 300 DPI contains more dots per inch than a resolution of 96 DPI, the image ePublisher transforms will be roughly 68% smaller than the original image. For example, a 300 DPI image that is 100 x 100 pixels will be 32 x 32 pixels when transformed to a 96 DPI image.
To counter this effect, use the Scale % option in conjunction with the Render DPI option to control the size of your images. In the example of transforming a 300 DPI image to 96 DPI, set the Scale % option to 312, which generates an image that has roughly the same dimensions as the original source image. You can also use the Scale % and Render DPI options together with the Maximum image height and Maximum image width options to make sure your images are correctly sized for online delivery.
Responsive image sizing 
When enabled, generated output will resize the images based on the available screen area of the device. The image will never be larger than its generated size, however, if the available screen size is less than the size of the image, the image will be scaled down in size so that it fits withing the viewable area.
Scale % 
Specifies the percentage ePublisher resizes all images with the selected graphic style. For example, if you specify 50, ePublisher reduces each image with the selected graphic style to half its original size. When the actual width and height of an image is not important, you can specify a scaling percentage to apply to all images with the selected graphic style. This option allows you to modify the size of all images associated with the graphic style in relation to their original sizes. Modifying images in this way retains the original aspect ratio of each image.
This option works with the Render DPI, Maximum image height, and Maximum image width options to make sure your images are correctly sized for online delivery. This option is available only for graphic styles. For more information, see Defining the Appearance of Images.
Thumbnail page style 
Specifies the name of the page style that ePublisher uses when displaying full-size images in a separate window after a user clicks a thumbnail image within the generated output. You can create a custom page style and then select the name of the custom page style to use for full-size image windows displayed from thumbnail images. If you leave the Thumbnail page style option blank, ePublisher uses the page style of the main content for the full-size image windows displayed from thumbnail images. This option is available only for graphic styles.
You must enter a value in the Maximum thumbnail height and Maximum thumbnail width options for ePublisher to recognize and use the Thumbnail page style option.
Specifies whether to transform all white regions in .gif or .png images with the selected graphic style to transparent areas. In some images, you may want to set a color to transparent. For example, if your source document has a white background, images with a white background display as though they do not have a background. However, if your online content has a different color background, the background of these images appear as white areas.
Select the graphic style and enable the Transparency option in ePublisher to transform the white background into a transparent one. Only .gif and .png images support transparent colors. This option is available only for graphic styles.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024