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Designing Stationery » Target Settings Reference » Table of Contents Settings
Table of Contents Settings
The settings in this category are defined as follows:
Collapse table of contents 
Specifies how you would like skipped heading levels handled in the table of contents for your output. For more information, see Defining the Table of Contents from an Irregular Heading Hierarchy. The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Don’t collapse
Inserts empty table of content entries for the skipped levels.
Inserts labeled entries for the skipped table of contents levels. When you specify this value, ePublisher displays the heading text from the table of contents entry below the current entry as the table of contents label.
Fully collapse
Removes all skipped heading levels and table of contents entries and places all table of contents headings at the same level, regardless of the table of contents level specified in the Stationery.
Smart collapse
Removes empty table of contents entries and moves the heading that follows an empty table of content entry up a level to replace the skipped table of contents level.
Generate table of contents 
Specifies whether ePublisher generates a table of contents.
Table of Contents filename 
Specifies the file name ePublisher should use when ePublisher generates a table of contents file in certain output formats.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024