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Toolbar Pane in WebWorks Help
By default, the toolbar pane displays a set of buttons that provide users with additional features. These buttons allow users to navigate through the help and access common functions, such as printing the displayed topic and emailing a link to a topic. The standard WebWorks Help toolbar includes the following buttons:
Show in Contents button
Allows users to locate the topic they are viewing in the table of contents. When a user clicks this button, WebWorks Help highlights the entry in the Contents tab that corresponds to the currently displayed topic.
Show Navigation button
Allows users to show the hidden navigation pane. When a context-sensitive help link displays a topic with the navigation pane hidden, this button is displayed in the toolbar. When a user clicks this button, WebWorks Help displays the navigation pane and highlights the entry in the Contents tab that corresponds to the currently displayed topic.
Previous button
Allows users to navigate back to topics that precede the currently displayed topic in the help.
Next button
Allows users to navigate forward to topics that follow the currently displayed topic in the help.
PDF button
Displays a PDF file of the source document from which the currently displayed topic was generated.
Related Topics button
Displays a list of topics that share a common or related theme with the currently displayed topic. The writer must define related topics in the source documents and the Stationery designer must enable related topics support for the help to display them. For more information, see Defining Related Topics.
Print button
Prints the currently displayed topic.
Email button
Allows you to collect feedback from your users. This button opens a blank email message addressed to the email address you specify. The subject line of the email message identifies the displayed topic when the user clicked the Email button.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021