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ePublisher Interface » Scheduling and Integrating Processes with AutoMap » Preparing Projects, Stationery, and Source Files
Preparing Projects, Stationery, and Source Files
ePublisher AutoMap can transform your source documents with no special modifications. Prepare your project, Stationery, and source documents just like you do when you generate output with the other ePublisher components. In ePublisher AutoMap, you use a job to define the output generation and the applicable options. After you create your job, ePublisher AutoMap performs one of the following tasks:
*If you created the job based on a project, ePublisher AutoMap synchronizes the project with the Stationery, and then it generates the output defined by the project.
*If you created the job based on a Stationery, ePublisher AutoMap creates a new project based on the Stationery, adds all the source documents defined by the job, and then it generates the output defined by the project.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024