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Specifying the Job, Staging, and User Formats Folder Locations
ePublisher AutoMap has several folders where it stores job-related information, such as job files and log files. You can customize the location of these folders.
Job Folder
ePublisher AutoMap stores the following types of job-related files in the job folder:
log file
A text file that contains information about the last transformation process. ePublisher AutoMap creates the log file when you run the job. You can view the log file with any text editor.
job file
A proprietary XML formatted file that contains information describing the job. When you create a job, ePublisher AutoMap creates the job file and stores the information you specify in the console. The job file name is the name of the job with a .waj (WebWorks AutoMap Job) file extension.
Note: ePublisher AutoMap maintains the job files. Do not edit these files.
The default job folder is the My Documents\ePublisher AutoMap\Jobs folder.
Staging Folder
ePublisher AutoMap stores information needed for transforming the source documents in the staging folder. This information includes the automatically generated ePublisher project, intermediate data files, and the output files. The staging folder provides a working folder for processing each job. ePublisher AutoMap then writes the final output files to the target output destination specified when the project was created.
Note: ePublisher AutoMap creates the files in the staging folder. Do not edit these files.
The default staging folder is the My Documents\ePublisher AutoMap\Staging folder.
User Formats Folder
When ePublisher AutoMap processes a job, it searches the user formats folder for custom user formats. The default user formats folder is the My Documents\ePublisher Designer User Formats folder.
To specify the job, staging, and user formats folder locations
1. Start ePublisher AutoMap.
2. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
3. Click the General tab.
4. In the Job Folder field, type the path to the folder or network share where you want ePublisher AutoMap to store the job and log files. You can click Browse and navigate to the folder or network share.
5. In the Staging Folder field, type the path to the folder or network share where you want ePublisher AutoMap to store the job projects and output created during your transformations. You can click Browse and navigate to the folder or network share.
6. In the User Formats Folder field, type the path to the folder or network share where ePublisher AutoMap checks for the custom user formats to use for creating jobs. You can click Browse and navigate to the folder or network share.
7. Click OK to save your preferences.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024