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Defining File Mappings
ePublisher allows you to map files based on their file extension to a source document adapter that processes that input format. This capability provides the flexibility you need:
*You can define which source application processes a file that can be handled by multiple source applications. For example, both Adobe FrameMaker and Microsoft Word can open text files with a .txt extension. The File Mappings tab allows you to choose which application to use for each file based on the file extension.
*You can define custom file extensions. For example, you may choose to use a non-standard file extension for your Microsoft Word source documents, such as .word instead of .doc. The File Mappings tab allows you to add your custom file extension and map it to the appropriate source application adapter.
*You can add new input formats as they become available. ePublisher provides a powerful framework in which Quadralay and their partners can develop new input formats, such as custom XML formats. Since XML is a common format, the source files are usually given unique and descriptive file extensions. The File Mappings window ensures that your projects are ready to handle any input sources.
Note: ePublisher AutoMap lists only the source application adapters installed with the product. Your Contract ID specifies the adapters for which you are licensed. adapter you want to use.
To modify your file mappings
1. Start ePublisher AutoMap.
2. On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
3. Click the File Mappings tab.
4. If you want to add a new file mapping, complete the following steps:
a. Click Add.
b. In File extension, type a file extension to be mapped.
c. In Adapter, select one of the installed source adapters, and then click OK.
5. If you want to modify an existing file mapping, in the Adapter column next to the file extension you want to modify, select the installed source adapter you want to use for files with that file extension.
6. If you want to delete an existing file mapping, complete the following steps:
a. In the File Extension column, select the file extension you want to delete.
b. Click Delete.
7. Click OK to save your preferences.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024