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Creating a Stationery-Based Job
Stationery-based jobs provide a powerful solution that can save your time and increase productivity. These jobs can also reduce errors when generating online and print content. Stationery-based jobs allow you to associate your source documents with your ePublisher Stationery. This combination lets you apply a single Stationery to many different source documents, reusing the transformation defined by the Stationery. This method ensures accuracy and consistency across many different projects and output files for your organization.
To create a Stationery-based job
1. Start ePublisher AutoMap.
2. On the File menu, click New Job.
3. Select ePublisher Stationery on the New Job window.
4. Type the path or click the Browse Folder icon to select the Stationery upon which you want to base this job, and then click OK.
5. In the Job Name field, type the desired job name.
Note: The Choose ePublisher Stationery field displays the previously selected Stationery. You can change the selected Stationery.
6. If you want to run a pre- or post-build script before or after the job runs, complete the following steps:
a. Click the Edit Script button for the Pre-build or Post-build script field.
b. Type or paste your script into the editor, and then click OK. For more information about scripts, see Using Scripts for Additional Custom Processing.
7. Click Next.
ePublisher displays the Documents window. This window lets you configure the groups and documents you want to generate output for in this job. You can either manually add the documents or you can run a script to retrieve documents within a group.
For example, you may want to retrieve documents from a version control or content management system. You can provide a script to retrieve and prepare your documents as needed. This script runs before the transformation, which ensures that you always have the most current version of your content without having to perform a manual update before each transformation.
8. If you want to manually add groups of documents to the job, complete the following steps:
a. Click New Group.
b. Specify a name for the group.
c. Click Add Document, and then browse and select your source documents.
d. Repeat this process to add more groups and source documents, and then click Next.
9. If you want to use a script to add a group of documents, complete the following steps:
a. Click New Group.
b. Specify a name for the group.
c. Click Edit Script.
d. Type or paste your script into the editor, and then click OK.
10. Click Next.
ePublisher displays the Target Selection window. This window lets you select which targets to generate output for as part of this ePublisher AutoMap job.
11. Select the check box in the Build column next to each target you want to generate, and then click Next.
ePublisher displays the Target Configuration window. The Stationery defines the configuration options for each target. You can override these configuration options for each target in a Stationery-based job. Depending on the output format of the selected target, the Target Configuration window provides tabs for adjusting various options, such as conditions and variables.
The information presented on each tab is relative to the target selected in the Target Name column. You can adjust values for each target independent of the other targets. For example, you can have two WebWorks Help 5.0 targets where the conditions are set differently depending on the target audience.
12. If you want to override the configuration settings defined in the Stationery for a target, complete the following steps:
a. Select the target you want to modify in the Target Name column.
b. Specify the appropriate values for the configuration options on each tab for that target. For more information about the fields on a tab, click Help.
13. Click Finish.
14. Schedule the job as needed, and then click OK. You can also schedule the job at a later time. For more information, see Scheduling Jobs with Windows Scheduler.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024