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ePublisher Interface » Producing Output from Stationery » Working with Projects » Synchronizing Projects with Stationery
Synchronizing Projects with Stationery
ePublisher Express projects use Stationery designed in ePublisher Designer by the Stationery designer. From time to time, the Stationery designer may update the Stationery used by your ePublisher Express project. When the Stationery designer updates the Stationery, you must synchronize your ePublisher Express project with the Stationery associated with the project in order to obtain the updates made by the Stationery designer. For more information about Stationery, see Stationery.
When the Stationery designer updates the Stationery an ePublisher Express project uses, ePublisher detects the change the next time you open a project that uses the Stationery, notifies you that the Stationery used by the project has been modified, and prompts you to synchronize your project with the updated Stationery. ePublisher Express prompts you to synchronize your project with its Stationery file under the following conditions:
*ePublisher detects differences between the project manifest file and the Stationery manifest file.
*ePublisher detects modifications to the Stationery file used by the project.
When you synchronize your project with Stationery, you update your project file so that the information in your project file matches the information in the Stationery file and in the Stationery manifest file. Synchronizing the project file with the Stationery file and the manifest file ensures all of the settings and information in the project file match all of the settings and information in the Stationery file. For more information about the Stationery file and the Stationery manifest file, see Manifest Files and Stationery Files.
Based on your ePublisher implementation, after you create an ePublisher Express project using Stationery, you can customize target settings for the targets available in your project if you have appropriate permissions. You can only customize target settings in your ePublisher Express project if you have target setting modification permissions. Any customizations you make to target settings will be overwritten the next time you synchronize your ePublisher Express project with Stationery. For more information, see Working with Target Settings.
ePublisher Express allows you to synchronize your project with its associated Stationery using one of the following methods:
*Automatically synchronize projects with Stationery. For more information, see Automatically Synchronizing ePublisher Express Projects with Stationery.
*Manually synchronize projects with Stationery. For more information, see Manually Synchronizing ePublisher Express Projects with Stationery.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022