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Specifying Company Information
You can add your company’s contact information to each generated output page. ePublisher can display the company contact information on the bottom and/or top of your output pages. Where the company information displays depends on what the Stationery designer specified in the Stationery file.
To display the company information in the header area, see Header Settings.
To display the company information in the footer area, see Footer Settings.
You can specify the following company information:
*Company email address
*Company fax number
*Company logo image
*Company name
*Company phone number
*Company web page
To specify company information for a target
1. On the Project menu, select the target next to Active Target for which you want to specify settings.
2. On the Target menu, click Target Settings. You must have target modification permissions to modify target settings. For more information, see Working with Target Settings.
3. Under Company Information, specify the appropriate values for the company information settings. For more information about the company information settings and values, click Help.
4. Click OK.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022