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Files Settings
The settings in this category are defined as follows:
Convert name to 
Specifies the file naming case you want ePublisher to use when generating output files.
By default, ePublisher uses the Normal value when specifying file naming case.
The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Keeps the naming with the created case.
Lower case
Converts the names to lower case.
Upper case
Converts the names to UPPER CASE.
Camel case
Converts the names to camel Case.
Pascal case
Converts the names to Pascal Case.
For example, with this setting set to Normal, file names display as Great publishing tool.html. With this setting set to Camel case, when you generate output file names display as great Publishing Tool.html. With this setting set to Pascal case, when you generate output file names display as Great Publishing Tool.html. With this setting set to Upper case, when you generate output file names display as GREAT PUBLISHING TOOL.html. With this setting set to Lower case, when you generate output file names display as great publishing tool.html.
Graphic naming pattern 
Specifies the file naming pattern you want ePublisher to use when generating output files for images.
ePublisher preserves the original file names for images imported by reference. If images are inserted directly into a source document, or if ePublisher cannot process the image by reference, then ePublisher assigns a file name using a graphic naming pattern.
By default, ePublisher uses the following values when specifying the image naming pattern:
This specifies that ePublisher name the files using the following syntax when it generates output:
where SourceDocumentName is the name of the source document, SourceDocumentNumber is the number that identifies the position of the source document in the project, TopicNumber is the number of the topic (output page) in the source document, and ImageNumber is the number of the image in the source document.
The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Note: Each value you specify must begin with a dollar sign ($) character and end with a semicolon (;) character. Inserting a period (.) character immediately before the value specifies that ePublisher use a period to separate the values when generating output.
Includes the name of the project in the file name.
Includes the name of the target in the file name.
Includes the name of the group in Document Manager that contains the file name.
Includes the project to project linking context value of the group in the file name. WebWorks Help uses the context value when generating merged, or multivolume help that includes context-sensitive help. In WebWorks Help, you need to include this context and the TopicAlias value in the help call to display the correct help topic. For more information, see Merging Top-level Groups (Multivolume Help) and Opening Context-Sensitive Help in WebWorks Help using Standard URLs.
Includes the heading text or title of the topic in the file name.
Includes the name of the source document that the topic came from in the file name.
Includes the source document number in the file name. The source document number is the number that identifies the position of the source document in the project.
Includes the page number in the file name. The page number is the number of the page that the topic is on in the source document.
Includes the graphic number in the file name. The graphic number is the sequential number of the graphic in the generated output and it is based on the position of the graphic in the generated output.For example, if you have five images in the generated output and you use this setting, the page with you first image has the number 1 in the file name, and the page with your fifth image has the number 5 in the file name.
Page break handling 
Specifies how ePublisher processes the Page break priority value the Stationery designer specifies in Style Designer for each paragraph style. For example, if you set the Page break handling format setting to Always, all paragraph styles with the Page break priority set greater than 0 will create a new page. The default value is Combine. The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Ignores all Page break priority values specified in the Stationery.
Creates a new page for all paragraph styles with a Page break priority value greater than 0.
Creates a new page for all paragraph styles with a Page break priority value greater than 0 unless the previous paragraph created a new page and the Page break priority value for the previous paragraph is a number less than the Page break priority value for this paragraph.
If not previous
Creates a new page for all paragraph styles with a Page break priority value greater than 0 unless the previous paragraph created a new page.
Page naming pattern 
Specifies the file naming pattern you want ePublisher to use when generating output pages for topics. By default, ePublisher uses the following values when specifying the page naming pattern:
This specifies that ePublisher name the files using the following syntax when it generates output:
where SourceDocumentName is the name of the source document, SourceDocumentNumber is the number that identifies the position of the source document in the project, and TopicNumber is the number of the topic (output page) in the source document.
The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Note: Each value you specify must begin with a dollar sign ($) character and end with a semicolon (;) character. Inserting a period (.) character immediately before the value specifies that ePublisher use a period to separate the values when generating output.
Includes the name of the project in the file name.
Includes the name of the target in the file name.
Includes the name of the group in Document Manager that contains the file name.
Includes the project to project linking context value of the group in the file name. WebWorks Help uses the context value when generating merged, or multivolume help that includes context-sensitive help. In WebWorks Help, you need to include this context and the TopicAlias value in the help call to display the correct help topic. For more information, see Merging Top-level Groups (Multivolume Help) and Opening Context-Sensitive Help in WebWorks Help using Standard URLs.
Includes the heading text or title of the topic in the file name.
Includes the name of the source document that the topic came from in the file name.
Includes the source document number in the file name. The source document number is the number that identifies the position of the source document in the project.
Includes the page number in the file name. The page number is the number of the page that the topic is on in the source document.
Replace spaces 
Specifies if you want ePublisher to replace spaces in file names with the string defined in the setting Replace spaces with when generating output. For example, with this setting Disabled, file names with spaces would generate to Word1 Word2.html. With this setting Enabled, and the Replace spaces with setting set to value _, the file name would generate to Word1_Word2.html.
Replace spaces in group names 
Specifies if you want ePublisher to replace spaces in group derived file paths with the value defined in the setting Replace spaces with. For example, with this setting Disabled, group derived file names with spaces would generate to My Group Name.html. With this setting Enabled, and the Replace spaces with setting set to value _, the file name would generate to My_Group_Name.html.
Replace spaces with 
Specifies the value ePublisher will use to replace spaces in generated file names. There are predetermined values you can use, but you really can use any string allowed by the file system for a file name. For example, with this setting set to No space, and if the file name was originally Word1 Word2.html, then the new name would generate to Word1Word2.html.
By default, ePublisher uses the underscore (_) value for this setting.
The predetermined values for this setting are defined as follows:
Replaces spaces with the underscore character (default).
Replaces spaces with the hyphen character.
No space
Replaces spaces with the empty character (removes spaces).
Ignores this setting.
Note: This values will only be used if Replace spaces and/or Replace spaces in group names are Enabled.
Table naming pattern 
Specifies the file naming pattern you want ePublisher to use when generating output pages that contain tables in MoinMoin. By default, ePublisher uses the following values when specifying the file naming pattern for MoinMoin pages that contain tables:
This specifies that ePublisher name the files that contain tables using the following syntax when it generates output:
where SourceDocumentName is the name of the source document, SourceDocumentNumber is the number that identifies the position of the source document in the project, TopicNumber is the number of the topic (output page) in the source document, and TableNumber is the number of the table in the source document.
Note: Inserting a period (.) character immediately before the value specifies that ePublisher use a period to separate the values when generating output.
The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Note: Separate values with a semicolon (;) character.
Includes the name of the project in the file name.
Includes the name of the target in the file name.
Includes the name of the group in Document Manager that contains the file name.
Includes the project to project linking context value of the group in the file name. WebWorks Help uses the context value when generating merged, or multivolume help that includes context-sensitive help. In WebWorks Help, you need to include this context and the TopicAlias value in the help call to display the correct help topic. For more information, see Merging Top-level Groups (Multivolume Help) and Opening Context-Sensitive Help in WebWorks Help using Standard URLs.
Includes the heading text or title of the topic in the file name.
Includes the name of the source document that the topic came from in the file name.
Includes the source document number in the file name. The source document number is the number that identifies the position of the source document in the project.
Includes the page number in the file name. The page number is the number of the page that the topic is on in the source document.
Includes the table number in the file name. The table number is the sequential number of the table in the generated output and it is based on the position of the table in the generated output. For example, if you have five tables in the generated output and you use this setting, the page with your first table has the number 1 in the file name, and the page with your fifth table has the number 5 in the file name.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024