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Links Reports
You can use Links reports to verify that the links you specify to items in your source documents resolve and that ePublisher processed links in your source documents to the item referenced by the link correctly. Links reports provide notifications on the following items:
*Baggage files
*External URLs
*Unresolved links to items in other documents
*Unresolved links to missing source document
*Unresolved links to missing files
*Unresolved link within source documents document
*Unsupported baggage files
*Unsupported external URLs
*Unsupported group to group links
For the definition of a baggage file see Targets.
Configure the notification you want ePublisher to generate for Links report settings before you generate Links reports. For more information about configuring Links report settings, see Configuring Reports. For more information about generating Links reports, see Generating Reports.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022