Introduction to CloudDrafts
What sorts of teams use CloudDrafts?
How it works
CloudDrafts and a Mac
Working in repositories
Quick start
Register as a new user
Create a network share in CloudDrafts
Create a project
Upload files
Author with your tools
Home page: project navigation
Basic navigation
Working with Files and Folders
Create a network share in CloudDrafts
Supported file types
Upload files
Create a new folder
Change a folder name
Move a folder
Edit a file name
Move a file or folder
Compare a file against Project Files repository version
Download a file or folder
Collaborating with Others
Update content that's part of a project
See what others are working on
Push changes to the project
Manage changes to a file
Invite others to contribute
Create new files with the Markdown format
Create new text files
Reuse: Share content between projects
Working with Previews
How previews work
Invite others to provide input
Preview files
Work with sticky notes
Versioning of Files
View Project History
View file version history
Compare versions of a file
Download an old version of a file
Roll back to a previous version
Creating Snapshots
About snapshots
Create a new snapshot
Manage snapshots
About publishing
Manage project stationery
Create a new publishing job
Publish on demand
Schedule a publishing job
Edit an existing publishing job
Examine the last publishing job
View published files
Retrieve published files
Managing Projects
Working in repositories
Roles and permissions
Add members
Change a member's role
Modify a project
Change the owner of a project
Delete a project
Supported Systems and Requirements
Supported browsers and other requirements
Client requirements
Tune Windows WebDAV settings
Site administration
Site roles and permissions
Manage site users
Manage site stationery
Take collaboration to the cloud
What sorts of teams use CloudDrafts?
How it works
CloudDrafts and a Mac
Working in repositories
Quick start
Register as a new user
Create a network share in CloudDrafts
Create a project
Upload files
Author with your tools
Home page: project navigation
Basic navigation
Create a network share in CloudDrafts
Supported file types
Upload files
Create a new folder
Change a folder name
Move a folder
Edit a file name
Move a file or folder
Compare a file against Project Files repository version
Download a file or folder
Update content that's part of a project
See what others are working on
Push changes to the project
Manage changes to a file
Invite others to contribute
Create new files with the Markdown format
Create new text files
Reuse: Share content between projects
How previews work
Invite others to provide input
Preview files
Work with sticky notes
View Project History
View file version history
Compare versions of a file
Download an old version of a file
Roll back to a previous version
About snapshots
Create a new snapshot
Manage snapshots
About publishing
Manage project stationery
Create a new publishing job
Publish on demand
Schedule a publishing job
Edit an existing publishing job
Examine the last publishing job
View published files
Retrieve published files
Working in repositories
Roles and permissions
Add members
Change a member's role
Modify a project
Change the owner of a project
Delete a project
Supported browsers and other requirements
Client requirements
Tune Windows WebDAV settings
Site administration
Site roles and permissions
Manage site users
Manage site stationery